Page 19-"When we don't have boundaries, we neglect who we are and what we want. As a result, we see the skewed image of ourselves reflected in the eyes of those to whom we give our power, and we mistake it for truth"
Page 33-"Putting others first is considered a virtue but in truth it backfires. There are plenty of people willing to let you sacrifice yourself on the alter of virtue for their benefit, and to your detriment"
Page 21-Your Human Rights
1)The right to your own needs/feelings to be as important as anyone else's
2)The right to experience feelings and to express them if you want to
3)The right to not be held responsible for others feelings
4)The right to express opinions
5)The right to decide what you priorities are
6)The right to be independent if you want to
7)The right to decide how you spend your time
8)The right to choose how you live
9)The right to change yourself, behaviours, values, life situation and your life
10)The right to change your mind
11)The right to make mistakes
12)The right to develop and express talents and interests
13)The right to choose who you spend your time with
14)The right to choose who you share your body with
15)The right to be treated with dignity and respect by everyone you come in contact with
16)The right to be listened to respectfully
17)The right to ask for what you want
18)The right to say no
19)The right to set limits and boundaries
20)The right to set limits on how to be treated by others
21)The right to walk way from the relationship that you determine not good for you
22)The right to have your boundaries respected
23)The right to have basic human rights and the right to stand up for them
Page 2-"Abuse can take many forms. It always involves a boundary violation, though every boundary violation is not necessarily abuse"
Physical abuse-includes acts of violence that causes physical harm or injury
Sexual abuse-includes sexual exploitations or forced participation in sexual activity that is unwanted, unsafe or degrading
Emotional abuse-diminishes self-worth and self-esteem. This is done in two ways. One is through verbal abuse, which includes name-calling, habitual criticism, insulting, yelling and shaming. The other is through the use of underhanded emotional manipulations tactic the victim isn't aware of. It is the covert and intentional infliction of psychological harm"
Financial Abuse-includes controlling access to money, taking a victims money through theft or deceit, or preventing a victim from earning an income
Social Abuse-includes limiting access to friends and family or completely isolating the victim, and preventing a victim from going to school or other outside activities
Abusers may use intimidation and threats as well-They may threaten to hurt themselves, their victim or the family. They may destroy things, damage personal possessions or harm pets