Page 67- Forgiveness- Start to see each individual as unique, irreplaceable & special
Page 83-"Our current culture grants more economic & social benefits to people who are bold & outgoing
Page 192-What to do when your parent is a narcissist: 1) Marginalization 2) Living through or uses the children 3) Narcissistic parents will make comments e.g (examples) 4) Superiority & Grandiosity 5) Manipulation 6) Shaming 7) Blaming 8) Guilt Trip 9) Unreasonable Pressure 10) Negative Comparison 11) Manipulative Punishment & Reward 12) Emotional Coercion 14) Superficial Image 15) Touch & Inflexible 16) Dependency/ Codependency 17) Possessiveness & Jealousy 18) Neglect
What to do when you learn your parents are narcissists 1) Learn about the condition 2) Accept they may never change 3) Recognise one of your parents is the enabler 4) Understand the family roles- are you the golden child, enabler, other possibilities e.g angry child, lost child, scapegoat. 5) Set boundaries 6) Get In touch with your feelings 7) Stop harming yourself 8) Be aware of your attraction to narcissists 9) Accept how you feel about your narcissist parent 10) Cleanse yourself of narcissistic fleas
Narcissists take advantage of those they are threatened by whereas psychopaths take advantage for mere pleasure
Page 158-Due to psychopaths not being able to experience joy from other emotions this is why they enjoy traumatising their victims
Page 158-Psychopaths unlike narcissists incapable of showing guilt/remorse
Page 158-Psychopaths usually have a criminal history where as narcissists tend to only commit psychological/emotional transgressions: Mainly involving: 1)slander 2)sabotage 3)devaluing
Narcissists & Psychopaths both have brain abnormalities
Page 82-Dopamine- Introverts & Extroverts
Page 160-Narcissists have a fear of intimacy because getting close to someone would expose their true unbearable character
Signs of Gaslighting page 187/188/190/191
Page 53-Energy healing mantras
Page 121/122-Food to eat for recovery
Narcissists don't feel empathy or remorse for their victims, they only feel "narcisstic injury"- this is the despair & rage they feel. When a person threatens their false sense of entitlement/superiority
Page 240-When you are aware of what is going on, you reduce the power of the narcissist to suffocate you
Page 156/157: Theodore Million's Subtypes
1)The Phallic Narcissist
2)The Manipulative Narcissist
3)The Paranoid Narcissist
4)The Crowing Narcissist
5)The Amorous Narcissist
6)The Elitist Narcissist
7)The Compensatory Narcissist
8)The Unprincipled Narcissist
9)The Fanatic Narcissist
Page 185- Example of colleague knocking your confidence
Deescalate argument with narcissist- page 246/247
1)No one in the right, no one in the wrong
3)Say "We" instead of I
4)Their Interest
5)No bait
6)Don't expect an apology
Page 171 & 172
1) The defeated child
2) The rebellious child
3)The angry child
4) The golden child
Page 260-"Your abusive partner simply confirmed how you have always felt"
Page 230-Love is not evil it does not cause pain/distress
Page 160-Narcissists do not have empathy but a superficial, performative "cold empathy"-they have an intellectual understanding of what a person is going through but they don't feel connected with the feelings
Page 62-Empaths get rid of whatever promotes perfectionism in your life
Page 258-To start anchoring yourself-make a list of the 10 most abusive incidents from your abuser (page 259 examples)
Page 162- "Cognitive dissonance"-victims develop conflicting thoughts, feelings about the abusive partner. To resolve cognitive dissonance- the solution lies in accepting that the abuse is taking place as opposed to denying it or rationalising it
Page 78-Setting boundaries
Page 216-Signs of trauma bond
Page 63-Compete with yourself
Page 50-"Not forcing your expectations on others is one of the most important life lessons"
Page 208-Narcissists take advantage of the empath's willingness to look at themselves & acknowledge their faults"
Page 135-Routine
Page 214-Emotional Rollercoaster rewarded with kindness-the body is put through trauma causing a biological effect-cortisol during punishment/dopamine during affection. This hormonal rollercoaster leads to physical symptoms such as 1)acne 2)chest pains 3)auto immune disorders. 18 signs of narcissistic parents
Page 260/261-Exercise lowers cortisol levels & releases endorphins which helps to replace the biochemical addiction you developed with your abuser...the addiction was formed through cortisol/dopamine/serotonin & adrenaline
Page 261-Carry a notebook for qualitive/quantitive monitoring
Page 223- A great way to release your emotions is to join a martial arts class
Page 239-Don't provide the narcissist with ammunition "I am confident with the decision I have made" "I have taken note of your opinion", "That sounded like you were trying to put me down","I noticed that anytime I start talking about myself you cut me off to talk about you", "How did you manage your money so well? Have you found the perfect secrets to managing a relationship?"
Page 238-Narcissists-you decide what you want to talk about "They have a bad habit of criticising you for the way you spend your money or conduct yourself in a relationship"
Page 271-"Narcissists have a phobia of asking for things directly because they are scared of rejection & it puts them in a position of vulnerability
Page 99-Black Panther Empaths Empowerment Metaphor
Page 108-Protect your empath if not deplete in when looking for a job
Page 254-Cut psychic cords "when you dissolve the connection you are sending it back to the creator pr whatever it is that you believe has divide power over you- once the chords has been cut your vitality & energy will be restored immediately- Cut psychic chords for meditative technique/ exercises/forgiveness/ physical yoga/chakra
Page 212-Trauma bonding takes place through a process of conditioning that psychologists refer to as the "arousal jag". This is where the narcissists gives their victim something to make them happy and then takes it away-Page 213-The victim becomes attached to the chaos & sadly they eagerly wait for it.