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Writer's pictureZoe Mei

White Fragility / Robin Diangelo / Notes

Functions of white fragility

1)Maintain white solidarity

2)Close off self-reflection

3)Trivialise the reality of racism

4)Silence the discussion

5)Make white people the victims

6)Hijack the conversation

7)Protected a limited world view

8)Take race off the table

9)Protect white privilege

10)Focus on the messenger, not the message

11)Rally more resources to white people

White Fragility As A Form Of Bullying

Page 112-"Let me be clear: while the capacity for white people to sustain challenges to our racial positions is limited-and, in this way, fragile-the effects of our responses are not fragile at all; they are quite powerful because they take advantage of historical and institutional power and control. We weild this power and control in whatever way is most useful in the moment to protect our positions. If we need to cry so that all resources run back to us and attention is diverted away from a discussion of our racism, then we will cry (a strategy most commonly employed by white middle class women)-If we need to take umbrage and respond with righteous outage, then we will take umbrage. If we need to argue, minimise, explain, play devil advocate, pout, tune out or withdraw to stop the challenge, then we will."

"White fragility functions as a form of bullying; I am going to make it so miserable for you to confront me-no matter how diplomatically you try to do so-that you will simply back off, give up and never raise the issue again. White fragility keeps people of colour in line and "in their place". In this way, it is a powerful form of white racial control. Social power is not fixed; it is constantly challenged and needs to be maintained. We might think of the triggers of white power and control, and of white fragility as the means to end the challenge and maintain that power and control"

Page 119-"Let's start with the common emotional reactions that white people have-when our assumptions and behaviours are challenged"


1)Singled Out











When we have these feelings, it is common to behave in the following ways



2)Physically Leaving

3)Emotionally Withdrawing



6)Focusing On Intentions

7)Seeking Absolution


"Given that these strong emotions and reactions, they need to be justified. What claims do we make to justify these feelings and behaviours? Some of the following claims suggest that the claimant is beyond the discussion. "I already know all this" But all of them exempt the person from further engagement or accountability, as Eva's claims exempted her.


1)I know people of colour

2)I marched in the sixties

3)I already know all this

4)You are judging me

5)You don't know me

6)You are generalising

7)That is just your opinion

8)I disagree

9)The real oppression is class (or gender or anything other than race)

10)You are elitist

11)I just said one little innocent thing

12)Some people find offence where there is none

13)You don't do this the right way

14)You're playing the race card

15)This is not welcoming to me

16)You're being racist against me

17)You are making me feel guilty

18)You hurt my feelings

19)You misunderstood me

20)I don't feel safe

21)The problem is your tone

22)I can't say anything right

23)That was not my intention

24)I have suffered too

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