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Writer's pictureZoe Mei

You Can Thrive After Narcissistic Abuse / Melanie Tonia Evans / Notes

  • Page 30-How does narcissism develop?

  • "Narcissists typically come from families where love was severely lacking or which suffered from parental engulfment-in which a child's relationship with a parent becomes suffocating. Through mental, emotional, spiritual or sexual abuse, the child's boundaries become merged with the adult's and overruled by them....This can cause the potential young narcissist to suffer such intense inner disintegration that they then bury their true self, deeming it unable to have its needs met, and create a false self in its place. Yet there are also cases where narcissists have emerged from families headed up by loving, decent parents in which the other children have developed narcissism. In these cases I believe epigenetic trauma is the explanation: the parent's epigenetic and/or childhood trauma passed on"

  • Page XV-Epigenetic trauma that is passed on from generation to generation through molecular memory and the expression of our genes, until someone releases and heals it from within their own DN, therefore breaking the cyclefor themselves and for future generations. There is now a growing belief that trauma can be passed on epigenetically from our ancestors-that is through our very genes"

  • "Once their inner child has been buried alive, they are left with what resembles a black hole inside. Yet this is more than just a gnawing, dreadful feeling of emptiness: that void becomes an echo chamber for a terrifying inner critic"

  • Page 31-How does a narcissist survive? "There is only one thing that can drown out a narcissists terrifying inner critic and allow the narcissist to somehow feel "alive"-and that is narcissistic supply. Narcissistic supply consists of attention, significance, acclaim, notoriety, money possessions, sex and the ego boost of knowing that the other people are hooked on the narcissists

  • Page 38- The Nine Traits That Make Us Susceptible To Narcissistic Abuse Summary Points of Paragraphs

  • 1) You have already suffered abuse, you fear abuse or you have a strong aversion to abusers

  • 2) You find it difficult to speak up, stand up for yourself or create healthy boundaries

  • 3) Your integrity level is high and you are dismayed if anyone questions it

  • 4) You work hard to sustain a sense of security, and you clean up the mess made by other people that could threaten your security

  • 5) You feel deep down, that you can only be loved for your efforts and accomplishments

  • Page 48-NARP "Narcisstic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP) consisting of sequential recorded Quanta Freedom Healing Modules, which laid out the step-by-step process that I used in my one-on-one sessions, so people could listen to them at any time in the comfort of their own homes

  • Page 49-Dr Christian Northup " 1 in 5 people suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder and that 1 in 25 is a sociopath...however published statistics concerning narcissist...frequently inaccurate because narcissism is mostly undiagnosed and undetected"

  • Page 191-193-Exercise- Step 9- Releasing The Ties- The Release into Your True Energy

  • Page 200-What does it mean to feel whole?

  • Page 204-206 Exercise-Coming Home To Yourself

  • Page 207-210-Healing This Generation, Our Children & Future Generations

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