Race & Class
Notes-Page 201
"We should be rethinking the image we conjure up when we think of a working-class person. Instead of a white man in a flat cap, it's a black woman pushing a pram. It's worth questioning exactly who wins from the suggestion that the only working-class people worth compassion are white, or that it's black and ethnic minority people who are hoarding scant resources at the expense of white working class people who are losing out"
"MP Liz Kendall explicitly let it be known that she was interested in supporting white working class children. Setting out her stall for the leadership bid in a meeting with journalists, she said she wanted Labour to "be doing the best for kids, particularly in white, working class communities. It wasn't just class discrimination that was holding back these kids...she seemed to suggest...it was their whiteness.
Page 205-" A 2014 report from market research company Ipsos MORI found that British people thought that foreign-born population of the country was 31% as opposed to the 13%. The same report found that the higher your income, the more likely you are to think immigrants are a drain on public services. Things have switched from berating working class people for daring to exist, to extending a hand of help to them as long as it's in opposition to those grasping ethnic minorities. Sticking "white" in front of the phrase working class is used to make assumptions about race, work and poverty"
Page 208-"When the trades union congress looked at data ..black employees were dealing with a growing pay gap in comparison to their white counter parts and that this pay gap actually widened with higher qualifications. Black people with education up to GCSE level were paid 11 per cent less. Black people with A-levels saw an average of 14% less pay and university educated black graduates saw a gap of, on average 23% less pay then their white peers
About Race With Reni Eddo Lodge/Renay Rich Podcast Notes/type writing
1) Things can only get better (25:16)
7:12-"I remember a celebratory, multi cultural progressive Britain, when Tony Blaire was elected everyone was celebrating...a lot of happiness in North London at the time. I suppose my question to you is, are you saying was Britain not as progressive as I thought?"
"It was potentially progressive"
8:33-"To some extent they did...He said Britain cannot be a beacon of hope whilst we have no black judges, no black army officers"
12:10-"We need to move into a positive forceful movement, instead of just saying "oh I'm a poor bastard...you are victimising me. Saying that all the time bores people, you've got to say- I can laugh, I can create, I can do drama, this is just as important as what you're saying on the news
17:04-"A good joke is a good joke, a good story is a good story. Most audiences don't give a toss about who's telling it. What they're going to relate to is the truth of the emotion or the truth of the humour, because our humour was so truthful and it came from a really real place, people got that. And if they didn't know what "chuddy's" they could ask their asian friends. In fact that's what happened. We met so many young asians saying: "I used to be the butt of the joke, now we're making the jokes. Now my white friends are asking what the jokes mean, you don't know what that means to us."
17:45-20 years later Britain is not the political post racial utopia the labour party promised. Culture took a nose dive too. What happened? Multi culture was the buzz word of the time...it was promoted positively "this is what makes us great".
18:20-The mood changed after 9/11-before 9/11- there was riots in Bradford because far right groups were attacking muslims and muslims started to fight back. There was this narrative of "we have an enemy within"...crudely people blamed multi culturalism.
19:13-"what he articulated... was multi culturalism caused separatism caused terrorism...how you get there god only knows. But it was an easy narrative...not that you have a society that doesn't allow people to integrate...but that it was our fault that we were living in these ghettos...nothing to do with poor housing...we were lead down a culdisack"
20:59- "Here is where I think we are...we are sleep walking our way to segregation, we are becoming strangers to each other and we are leaving communities to be marooned outside the mainstream."
2)White Season part 1 (25:16)
16:55-Daniel Trilling-"One of the key moments in movement in the development of the white working class narrative was that the BBC did something called "the white season" in 2007 and 2008...it plays on... the guilt of white liberals who play in positions of power that they don't represent the people that they're supposed to be representing...when someone comes along and uses white working classist, there wear this badge of authenticity...so the white liberal...there is a place of panic..go along with everything as who am I to disagree?"
18:21-"It's very fair to complain about the slurs of white trash and chav. But it certainly wasn't black people leading the charge of those slurs"
21:17-Owen Jones-"What happened was because the working class had been air-bushed out of existence but what began to re-emerge in discourse and the media and new labour types and so called "white working class". It was this bizarre sense of "well here's this other minority in the multi-cultural framework...we're defining them by their ethnicity rather than by their class, problems and injustices that they have can be explained by race rather than by class. The reason this was allowed to happen was because there wasn't this sense of integrating class and race. The white working class in my opinion is a completely false construct because where are the most diverse communities?"
3)White Season part 2 (23:30)
4)Political Blackness (29:50)
5)Shout Out Miss Beep part 1(19:44)
6)Shout Out Miss Beep part 2 (26:32)
7)White Women Crying is Racist! (26:27)
8) The Anti-Racist Renaissance (36:15)
9)The Big Question (39:16)